February 2023 Book That In Update

07th-Apr-2023 Updates
Date: 28th February 2023

You may have seen some new functionality creeping in to Book That In over the last couple of months - as ever, we've been working hard behind the scenes to add in new features to help save you time and grow your business :-).

Below are a few of our most recent updates!

(We will keep you up-to-date with all improvements, but if you would rather not receive these emails, simply opt out of 'Core Service Updates' here.)

1. New Income Report


There is now a single screen which shows you a month-by-month breakdown of your revenue. It's a great way to see quickly how your month is going, and stay on top of your figures.

If you are a franchisee, the report will also show you the fees you are paying to your franchisor through Book That In (where applicable), for complete transparency.

Learn more about the Income Report


2. New 'Move Booking' Process for Group Events


We've given the 'Move Booking' function a bit of an overhaul for Group Events, to make it more consistent and flexible.

You can use this option to move a booking to another class or eventchange the date/time for an existing booking, or move a trial booking. And you can process a charge or refund at the same time if needs be :-).


3. Change the order of Addresses, Categories and Price Bands


Until recently, you had minimum control over the order of things when they were displayed on your booking widget page. Now you have full control!

Simply click and drag to change the order of your Addresses, Categories or Price Bands, to display them how you want.

Learn how to change the order


4. Make Events/Classes 'Waiting List Only'


At the click of a button, you can now stop taking bookings for an event or class and switch it to 'Waiting List Only'. The event still appears on your booking widget, but the only option is for people to join the waiting list.

This is really handy when you are giving your current customers a 'priority window' to book. Now, instead of showing nothing on your booking page while you do this, you can let people join your waiting list while you are giving your existing customers the chance to book first.

Find out more about 'Waiting List Only'


5. Delete Old Price Bands and Extras


If you've been using Book That In for a while, you may be finding that your list of Price Bands and Extras is getting looooooong. This can slow you down when setting up new classes.

That's why we've introduced the option to 'Delete' Price Bands and Extras - so you can clean up your account and make your life easier.

Find out how to delete Price Bands and Extras


6. Transfer and Refund Appointment Bookings


Up until recently, if someone wanted to change the date or time of an appointment booking, you would need to cancel the original booking and re-book them manually for another date. If you wanted to refund them, that had to be done on Stripe.

No longer!

Now you can move an appointment booking, or cancel and refund with a few simple clicks - all from your Book That In account.

How to Move an Appointment Booking

How to Cancel and Refund an Appointment Booking


7. Collect and Notify Waiting Lists for Subscriptions


You've been able to set a capacity to your subscriptions for a while, which then stops people signing up when you are full.

Now, when your subscriptions are full, Book That In will allow people to join your waiting list and you can notify people on your waiting list when a space comes available through Book That In.

Learn more about Subscription Waiting Lists


8. Set Future Cancellation Date for Subscriptions


The new option to set a future date for a subscription cancellation is particularly useful in two situations:

  1. A customer indicates that they would like to cancel the subscription, however some of their payments are still due.
  2. If you want to take a finite number of payments from your customers for any given subscription.

Learn how to set a future date for subscription cancellations.


9. New 'All Contacts' Export


Book That In gives you lots of exporting options, however one that has been missing until now, is an export that generates a spreadsheet of all your clients.

Perfect for uploading your client list to another platform such as an Email Marketing app or CRM.

Learn how to generate your All Clients export


We hope you find these updates useful!

Is there anything YOU would like to us to introduce or change in Book That In? Let me know!

All our development work is based on feedback from you, our clients.

So I would love to hear from you!

To your success,


Profile Image Tim Freed
Book That in

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